FunKey Blog
Maths, children and all things teaching and learning..
Help! The MTC is approaching!
Productive ways to prepare for the MTC! I’m not a fan of the MTC and would prefer it if our 8- and 9-year-olds were encouraged to explore multiplicative connections in more productive ways, without the pressure of a timed, computerized, summative test. I’ve already...
Anxiety and the MTC
Of course the MTC induces anxiety! It's a timed test! Much has been said about MTC scores not being used to judge teachers or schools, but most of us are sceptical – you don’t spend millions of pounds setting up and running a times table test for the nation’s...
Grouping and Sharing – do we have to?!
Forget Grouping and Sharing. Please! I did my PGCE with the legendary Jill Mansergh as my maths tutor (yes, I can still say my 17x table!). Even the brilliant Jill could not help me overcome my disquiet around the words “grouping” and "sharing”. I am 100% confident...
Teaching children about the structure within a times table: why and what?
Before children focus on learning multiplication facts, make sure they have spent time exploring the structures within a times table. If children understand the structure of a times table, and can link related facts, it will not only increase the accuracy of their...
Do the Maths!
Do the Maths! Helping children to learn number skills and develop a love of numbers. Even before your child goes to school, most of us have done what we can to get hold of books. We buy them or borrow them. We all know that reading with your child is essential....
Struggle. Persist. Progress
It is a universal human trait to want to give up when things get hard. Not surprisingly, there are plenty of mantras written to inspire us through these times. Mantra 1: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. This one is well-meaning, but actually not very...
Personal Growth for Children through Peer Mentoring
Peer Mentoring: a catalyst for personal growth The FunKey Maths Peer Mentoring programme trains Year 5 students (age 9-10) to work with children in Year 2 (age 6-7) who have started to struggle in maths. The highly structured programme helps the younger children build...
Peer Mentoring and The Three Es
The FunKey Maths Peer Mentoring Programme is an intervention which pairs trained Year 5 children with Year 2s who are below age related expectations in maths. The Year 5s work with the Year 2s through a structured programme of maths activities, which develops both...
Never Rush a Child!
When I was the mother of two small girls I heard a grannie on the radio. She had a compelling tone - wise and warm mother-earth - so I listened intently. I remember her stark warning: “Never rush a child.” She talked about the importance of going at the pace of the...