Apr 12, 2023 | Blog, Children, Multiplication and Division
Of course the MTC induces anxiety! It’s a timed test! Much has been said about MTC scores not being used to judge teachers or schools, but most of us are sceptical – you don’t spend millions of pounds setting up and running a times table test for the nation’s...
Jul 18, 2022 | Multiplication and Division
Forget Grouping and Sharing. Please! I did my PGCE with the legendary Jill Mansergh as my maths tutor (yes, I can still say my 17x table!). Even the brilliant Jill could not help me overcome my disquiet around the words “grouping” and “sharing”. I am 100%...
Apr 17, 2022 | Blog, Multiplication and Division
Before children focus on learning multiplication facts, make sure they have spent time exploring the structures within a times table. If children understand the structure of a times table, and can link related facts, it will not only increase the accuracy of their...